The Mind Stuff
that Makes your Vision
Board Work
The power of the mind is infinite, dubbed as the
efficient cause of the general order in the universe, divided into the
subconscious and conscious mind. The subconscious mind is the mind stuff that
stores all of life’s experiences, beliefs, memories, skills and the other
images we’ve seen through our life. In essence, what you conceive in your
subconscious mind, can come true; whatever vision in your mind, it can create.
What you think, see, believe and feel is sent and created into mind stuff.
Picture yourself using creative imagination of your dreams and goals. The mind
stuff that’s going on inside of you most likely doesn’t present itself in words
rather in pictures, and with clearness and persistency can be turned into
reality. The vision
board is a useful tool we
can use to transfer these mind stuff into something you can see every day.Be it
changes in lifestyle, health goals, business goals, family goals, academic
goals, or relationship goals, the vision board can assist to turn dreams into reality. You are to choose
images related to your specific thoughts and put them into the vision
board. Allow your mind to
work while selecting images. Once these images are transferred to your
subconscious mind, it can be stored as a program. The mind learns by repetition
not by logic. It can convince the inner self to believe in something it sees
repeatedly. Once belief sets in, we are operating at a whole new level. We are
at a point of absolute faith, which is belief absent of doubt. With a focused mind of belief, we then have
the courage to do what it takes to achieve what’s on our vision board.
The vision
board can change our
thoughts, create constituting beliefs, and alter the way we see things. Using
our mind stuff, we can begin to develop and act upon what we want achieved base
on our vision board. What we visualized before the vision
board will now support
the activity to reach the specific goal. You may want to create a vision
board that encompasses
all of our goals for every part or area of our life. There’s no telling how far
our mind set will take us. If you’re to do this, it is best to have the vision board placed in an accessible place or a spot where it can be
easily seen or create a portable vision board with Tote-a-Vision, so that you
can carry it with you. Whichever tool you decide to use, its purpose will be to
re-focus your mental energy to see it and your physical energy towards the
direction you desire to achieve.
Placing affirmations on your vision board is another useful technique as the subconscious mind
functions in a way that the more these affirmations are repeated, the more the
mind believes and turns them into reality resulting to amazing changes in one’s
life. Affirmations on your vision board can be set to help you with your goal setting, for
self-improvement, facing up with emotional difficulties and enhance motivation
to succeed. No one succeeds in life by accident. It begins with visualization, and
then there are techniques and tools like the traditional vision board or like the Tote-a-Vision that brings out the power of the
mind stuff. Feeding the mind with images and affirmations gives the impact it
needs to gather momentum and act it out in the real
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